About me

Exhibition design combines my love of jigsaw puzzles, experiential learning, and storytelling through imagery and artifacts. I have experience creating permanent exhibitions and temporary displays, integrating A/V and graphics into built components, supplementing traveling exhibitions with in-house collections, and upgrading existing spaces on tight budgets. I currently work as a Senior Exhibition Designer in a collaborative environment where I model in Vectorworks, develop and design exhibitions, collaborate on public-facing media projects, organize and coordinate dynamic projects, and fit traveling exhibitions into challenging gallery spaces. Starting March 2023, I am serving in a temporary capacity as Interim Senior Director of Galleries and Public Environment, shepherding contracts and leading a team of creatives. I also teach graduate-level Vectorworks courses for Museum Studies students and offer freelance design work as time allows.

Please feel free to reach out through the contact form below. I look forward to discussing your projects! I can also provide more information about my work if you have any questions.

Thank you!